eek 7 Capstone Presentation
DUE: Mar 24, 2019 11:55 PM
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Week 7 Assignment/Capstone Project
For our Week 7 Assignment/Capstone project, from our discussions these past weeks describe your psychology career choice, e.g. clinical psychologist, school psychologist, psychology professor, research psychologist in a university hospital, etc. and respond to the questions below based on what you have learned about that job from your research in class. Imagine you have just completed your first year in your first job with any one of the career fields we have covered.
In a twenty slide PowerPoint presentation (not including title or Reference slide), please address the following:
1. Discuss your goals and expectations for your first year in this career field.
2. What is the focus of your interaction with your clients?
3. Explain a typical day in this future career.
4. What is most rewarding about this first year? Why?
5. What conflicts in your career do you believe you will encounter in this first year? How will these conflicts be resolved? (Be elaborative. A great rule to remember is “who, what, where, when, how”).
6. What is your annual salary and has it met your expectations? Why or why not?
7. What part of your education has benefitted you the most in achieving this career?
8. What type of continuing education are you required to complete to maintain credentials/expertise and grow in this career choice?
Your presentation should include a title slide, Body of presentation, including in text citations, NOTES, Conclusion/Summary, Reference slide (at least three academic references), per APA.
IMPORTANT: You MUST utilize the Note portion of the PowerPoint. Each slide should have at least one substantive paragraph, e.g. five- seven sentences regarding what you have highlighted on the slides. The Note portion is worth a significant amount of points for this assignment.
The following site may be very helpful in providing a refresher on how to prepare an APA formatted PowerPoint presentation:
Please submit this assignment as a .pptx file to our Week 7 Assignment link
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Needs Improvement
Points Earned
presentation: minimum 20 slides, detailing and describing one career choice from those we have studied Weeks 1 – 6.
The Note portion of the presentation is substantively utilized.
160 Points Possible
Student clearly discusses goals, expectations for first year in career field, including interaction with clients, typical day in career, most rewarding aspect of first year, conflicts, salary, education content, CE requirements. Student discusses thoroughly and coherently, using Note portion of the presentation.
Highlights and graphics of slides are excellent.
Student provides a mostly accurate discussion toward content requirements.
Note portion is utilized.
Highlights and graphics on slides are adequate.
Student provides a marginal discussion of content components.
Sufficient details within note portion are lacking.
Highlights and graphics utilized on slides lacking in creativity and substance.
Does not clearly discuss content components.
Note portion is not utilized.
Highlights and graphics subpar for presentation purposes.
The Note portion of the presentation is substantively utilized.
80 Points Possible
Student provides a clear and substantive summary of content components.
The bulk of the information is written within Note portion.
Student provides some understanding and knowledge in content components.
Note portion sufficiently utilized.
Student provides a marginal understanding and knowledge in summary. Sufficient details and supporting evidence are lacking.
Note portion is not sufficient.
Does not clearly apply knowledge or offer any supporting evidence.
Note portion
not utilized.
Usage of Academic, Scholarly Sources
20 Points Possible
Student clearly paraphrases from at least three scholarly, academic sources and cites them according to APA Style on the References Slide.
Student paraphrases from three scholarly, academic sources. Direct quotations may be used in place of paraphrasing or there may be citation/formatting errors.
Student paraphrases from less than three scholarly, academic sources. Many direct quotations are used or citation style is mostly inaccurate.
Student uses only sources from the popular web (e.g., Wikipedia, WebMD, etc.) does not include a References slide.
Overall Presentation of material (Flow, Clarity, Professional Appearance of Final Product, Use of Proper Grammar/Spelling to convey thoughts)
20 Points Possible
Submission is clear and coherent, flows well, and has a professional appearance. Few, if any, errors in grammar/spelling are made (for written entries) or in spoken English (for video entries).
Submission is understandable, but flow may be stilted or meaning unclear in spots. Some written or spoken grammatical errors are evident. Submission appears “amateurish” in spots.
Submission seems choppy or difficult to understand. Submission appears mostly amateurish or unprofessional. Many errors in grammar/spelling in evident.
Submission appears largely unprofessional, messy, and contains numerous grammar/spelling errors.
Before we start to consolidate and review information we discussed, in the previous six (6) weeks, I wanted to discuss an additional topic. School psychology is a highly relevant subspecialty considering the challenges facing students, teachers, parents and school administrators today. The training, expertise, and specialized training provided by school psychologists is instrumental in addressing the challenges to result in the best and most effective outcomes. Historically, the school counselor dealt with the problems and issues of the students. When school counseling was initiated in the early 20th century; however, many of the complex issues experienced by today’s students such as bullying, homelessness, and fragmented families, were rare (Bain, 2012). The complexity of today’s challenges, within school systems, requires collaboration between school counselors and school psychologists to increase favorable outcomes (Zambrano, Villarreal-Castro, & Sullivan, 2012).
Let’s start by discussing what school psychology is and what is needed to become a school psychologist. School psychology is very different from other specializations in psychology. The areas of interest for school psychologists are children, adolescents, and students, along with the education processes. School psychologists are trained in both psychology and education. The primary goal of the school psychologist is to assist students to maximize their education and the academic experience. Their range of interest encompasses not solely academics, but also includes the social, behavioral, emotional, and personal factors, which affect students and their families.
The school systems today are operating with a higher level of accountability. At a time when resources are limited, the school system must meet the needs of the increasing number of their students experiencing academic and mental challenges (Zambrano et al., 2012). An approach to delivering the services to students has been developed called Response to Intervention (RTI), involving both the school counselor and school psychologist (Zambrano et al., 2012).
The collaboration of the school counselor and school psychologist, using RTI, maximizes outcomes and is multifaceted. There is less duplicating of services by counselors and psychologists when they work together. Because of their collaboration, early intervention and prevention actions can be implemented. Because of the professional collaboration, the RTI approach can be implemented and used to the student’s advantage within the school system. Initiating the RTI approach allows school counselors and school psychologists to learn from each other. Lastly, students in graduate programs for school counseling and school psychology become familiar with the common areas of their training (Zambrano et al., 2012).
School psychology has some overlap with clinical and counseling psychology, regarding the tasks and job responsibilities. Consistent with their title and credential as a school psychologist, most of their time, attention, and expertise are centered on schools. They may also be employees at clinics, such as those based in the community, medical centers, prisons, juvenile detention centers, universities, or in private practice (Kuther & Morgan, 2013).
When considering society today and the many issues and situations confronting students, their families, and school systems, the need for school psychologists is evident. The assessments and treatment they provide to students, especially in the kindergarten to 12th (K-12) setting is priceless. Children enter the school system with multiple concerns, which the teachers and school administrators have neither the time nor training to address. Some of the issues and challenges dealt with by school psychologists are psychological, developmental, family structure, and school related, which the school counselor lacks the education, training, and expertise to effectively address.
A review of several challenges for students today clearly highlights the need for school psychologists. A major problem in schools is creating a safe and positive atmosphere in the schools, which will facilitate learning and academic growth. In this regard, school psychologists can work to decrease or prevent bullying, aid the victims of bullying and the perpetrator. Oftentimes, the parents or parent need guidance in how to assist their child, who is involved in school bullying. School psychologists are outstanding advocates for improving and strengthening the relationship between the school and families of the students.
Research has demonstrated bullying is associated with aggression. Schools endeavor to maintain a violence-free environment and preventing bullying is an integral aspect of their objective. The results of bullying to the victim can directly impact their school performance. Bullying is responsible for reduced levels of emotional/psychological well-being, inability to make social adjustments, psychological issues, and physical/medical problems (Jacobsen & Bauman, 2007). The behavior is considered bullying when the following aspects are present: the intention is to inflict harm, repeated behavior, and a clear difference in power between the bully and their victim (Jacobsen & Bauman, 2007).
The services and assistance provided to families become especially important when they have children with special needs or developmental delays. School psychologists can help the family understand their child’s challenges and guide the parents or parent through the specialized education procedures. They are also instrumental in ensuring the family is in touch with services provided by the community. The need for assistance provided by school psychologists increases when considering the number of single parent homes and divorce rates.
In addition to direct contact with students, teachers, families, and school administrators, School psychologists spend time researching and creating developmental programs in schools’ settings. They evaluate the effectiveness of their services and treatments and how to successfully implement educational changes and restructuring (Kuther & Morgan, 2013). The salaries for school psychologists in primary and secondary schools are comparable to counseling and clinical Psychologists. In 2008, the median salary was $65,710 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010).
Now, let’s review some highlights from Week 1 to Week 4. Our discussion in Week 1 was focused on developmental Psychology. We discussed how we go through multiple changes and stages throughout our lifetime. Developmental psychologists study these changes in development and human growth, over the lifespan. Several notable developmental psychologists include Jacques Rousseau and Erik Erikson. The concerns of developmental psychologists go beyond how individuals grow, develop, and change, during their lifespan. Their concerns include the emotional, intellectual, and physical development of children, adolescents, and adults.
We discussed careers you can pursue with a bachelor’s degree and a graduate degree. Two popular careers with a Bachelor’s degree are Gerontology Aide and Child Life Specialist. The work for both careers can be extremely rewarding but very emotionally draining. The median salary is about $27,280 and about 50% earned between $21,860 and $34,590 in 2008 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010).
Developmental psychologists with graduate degrees have additional career opportunities, which allow them to earn higher salaries. Applied developmental psychologists integrate developmental science and practice. One aspect of their job is to conduct developmental evaluations of children who have sustained injuries or who may be delayed developmentally. Applied developmental psychologists share some objectives and tasks with clinical and counseling psychologists, but there are two distinct differences. The first difference is applied developmental psychologists do not conduct individual therapy, as performed by clinical and counseling psychologists. Additionally, their objectives are predicated on development over the life span and assisting individuals to increase their capacities (Kuther & Morgan, 2013). Employment can be found in healthcare settings, schools, human/social services agencies, and private practices.
Biopsychology, cognitive neuropsychology and clinical neuropsychology were the focus of Week 2. The breakthroughs in technology are responsible for the increased scientific knowledge in the biological sciences. Clinical neuropsychology is the application of biopsychology, within clinical and counseling contexts. Clinical neuropsychologists are tasked with developing interventions and treatment strategies to assist clients/patients to make needed adaptations/changes to regain functioning capabilities, which will facilitate independent living and enjoying the optimal quality of life. A study completed by the American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology, in 2011, stated the median salary of neuropsychologists was $94,100, in the United States (
The increasing aging population in the United States is responsible for an increased need for neuropsychologists. Neuropsychology is the branch of psychology that scientifically examines the connection between how the brain functions and the thinking, feeling, and actions of an individual. Clinical neuropsychology is the applied practice of neuropsychology examining information about brain functions, assessment tools, and statistical data, involving normal and abnormal brain functions. The information is then used to evaluate an individual’s mental functioning, emotional state, resulting in providing an intervention, if needed (Frerichs, 2004).
We learned in Week 3 how clinical psychology combines science, theory, and practice to provide explanations and understanding to predict and address psychological problems and the accompanying distress. Counseling psychologists have a similar objective of working to alleviate or reduce distress associated with emotional or behavioral difficulties caused by psychological problems. Both clinical and counseling psychologists work in a variety of settings. Most counseling professions require graduate degrees for employment, however; substance abuse counselors are an exception.
Career options and financial prospects in clinical and counseling related fields expand dramatically with a graduate degree in psychology. A primary benefit of a graduate degree in clinical or counseling psychology is the flexibility to pursue career opportunities, which match one’s own interests.
Week 4 was designed to help you answer the question, “What is in it for me?” We reviewed what psychology includes and how psychology students learn how to learn as they develop critical thinking and analytical skills. We discussed several ways you can make your life easier as an undergraduate college student. Do you remember PRADE and what each letter represents? Here is a listing of what each letter represented and actions you could pursue, as an undergraduate. Prepresented your professors and you were encouraged to talk with them. The R indicated research and looking for opportunities to gain research experience. Participating in extracurricular activities was A and your degree was highlighted with the letter D. The final letter of E denoted experience and discussed work experience.
You were encouraged to start working on building relationships, prior to graduating. These relationships may possibly lead to good solid references. The time spent talking and working with your professors often reaps wonderful and glowing references.
Additional Resources:
Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development
What is a neuropsychologist? -You tube
How to become a Professor in Psychology? – You tube
Psychology in the Military (Part 1) – You tube
Bain, S. F. (2012). School counselors: A review of contemporary issues. Research in Higher Education Journal, 18, 01-07.
Frerichs, R. (2004). When should an older adult be referred to neuropsychology? The Canadian Alzheimer Disease Review, vol, 04-09.
Jacobsen, K. E. & Bauman S. (2007). Bullying in schools: School counselors’ response to three types of bullying incidents. ASCA/Professional School Counseling, 01-09.
Zambrano, E., Villarreal-Castro, & Sullivan, J. (2012). School counselors and school psychologists: Partners in collaboration for student success within RTI and CDCGP frameworks. Journal of School Counseling, 10, 01-28.
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